Water Treatment for Long Life Equipment
by evoqua - Made in Germany
Complete Solutions for Water Problems
What ever the source of water is, we can help to treate it to give you the required water quality and quantity
Example of water treatment for CSSD using city water
RO system with DI and EDI for the highest water purity
Water treatment system specially designed to protect the Central Sterile Services Department equipment
General Features
State of the art water equipment
Designed with the automated operation in mind
EDI system
Electrodeionization use electricity to provide continues water polishing after the RO, no need to replace resin or change element
Second list of Features
Add a great slogan.
Great Value
Well-designed systems reduce maintenance cost and provide a great value with time
Service and Support
We provide profitinal service and support for our customer from the design of the system thoghut it's life time